
Earthquake News

There have been 322 years without a 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone megaquake, and counting.

The following Cascadia Subduction Zone 9.0 megathrust earthquake?

Sadly, THAT is something we can envision.



In the year 1700, an earthquake on the Cascadia Subduction Zone triggered a tsunami that wreaked havoc on coastal regions of Japan throughout the Pacific Ocean.

The 600-mile-long fault line connects British Columbia to northern California.

Over 40 earthquakes have occurred along the Cascadia Subduction Zone fault in the previous 10,000 years.

Some have occurred with only 190 years between them, while others have occurred with 1,200 years.

The most recent earthquake in this fault was a 9.0 magnitude one that happened on January 26, 1700.

The Oregon Office of Emergency Management warns that running or crawling may be impossible during an earthquake. When there is an earthquake, "drop, cover, and hold on" is the safest course of action.

  • Drop to your hands and knees where you are; this position prevents you from being knocked over and enables you to stay low and crawl to safety if it is close by. Crawl next to an internal wall if there isn't a shelter nearby (away from windows).
  • Cover if a strong table or desk is close by, crawl under it and hold on with one hand while covering your head and neck. Maintain a crawling position if there isn't a table or desk nearby to protect your vital organs, and be prepared to relocate if necessary.
  • UNTIL THE SHIFTING STOPS, HOLD ON. If you attempt to move when there is a violent shaking, you run a higher risk of suffering an injury.

In the event of an earthquake, Oregon advises residents to be prepared to survive for at least two weeks without assistance or supplies.

With the Eugene Water & Electric Board's Pledge to Prepare, you may learn more about being 2 Weeks Ready and even schedule the work over the course of the following year.

0 seconds of 5 minutes, 26 secondsVolume 90%

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